How trying out different things helped me in self-discovery!

Shrey Gupta
4 min readSep 1, 2023

My journey is filled with a diverse array of experiences that profoundly influenced my personal growth. In this reflective blog, I’ll aim to scratch significant chapters of my life, from the tentative steps of early exploration to the delightful surprises of unexpected discoveries, all while embracing the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Early Exploration

Upon entering college, my hunger for personal growth led me to eagerly immerse myself in various college clubs and societies. Uthaan, the Journalism Club, offered me a window into fascinating encounters as I conducted interviews with accomplished individuals.

Simultaneously, in SGM, a group dedicated to teaching underprivileged students, I acquired the delicate art of managing people and creating lesson plans. The spark of entrepreneurship ignited within me, leading to the founding of our institute’s E-Cell alongside some seniors and peers. This marked my thrilling dive into the world of innovation and startups.

Driven by the desire to equip myself with essential skills, I embarked on a journey of mastering programming, website development, and the intriguing world of SEO. My curiosity in technology even led me to create small utility projects, such as a Chrome extension for note-taking. Intrigued by blockchain development, I ventured into learning its fundamentals and secured an internship, although the project eventually folded.

My fascination with freelancing led me to dive headfirst into a 1.5-month project, allowing me to fully immerse myself in this dynamic realm. Additionally, I eagerly explored diverse subjects like AI and AR/VR through various courses, not realizing the wealth of knowledge they would provide later on. I held the belief that no domain or subject should limit my curiosity, a perspective that has proven invaluable.

Unexpected Discoveries along the way

Life has a way of surprising us with unexpected opportunities that not only enriched my journey but also broadened my horizons.

Global Exposure

One such opportunity was being selected for the DeFi Talents fellowship by Frankfurt Blockchain School. This opened the door to a world of international collaboration and problem-solving. It was during this time that I participated in DigiEduHack Berlin, an international event dedicated to tackling real-life challenges. These experiences introduced me to a global community and offered fresh perspectives on unfamiliar problems.

DigiEduHack Closing Discussion

Growing Entrepreneurship Cell

The recognition of E-Cell IIITM among India’s top 20 entrepreneurship bodies led to special seminars and thought-provoking conversations. One such interaction was with Prof. Colin McLeod, whose insights left a lasting impact on my perspective. These opportunities not only honed my skills but also ignited my entrepreneurial spirit even further.

Capacity Building Workshops by Startup India and Melbourne Entrepreneurship Center

Starting MasterLanguage

One day, a simple initiative among friends to improve their English skills sparked the creation of MasterLanguage. This project was born out of our dedication to enhancing spoken English through paired conversations, showing how small efforts can lead to meaningful initiatives.

A Generalist’s Journey a Requestly

Requestly provided me with the opportunity to delve into various aspects of product development, marketing, and sales. This multifaceted learning experience stands out as one of the most enriching chapters in my career. The valuable insights and lessons I’ve gained continue to shape my professional journey, and it would take a dedicated story to fully capture the depth of what I’ve learned and achieved at Requestly.

Requestly got into YC W’22

These unexpected discoveries, whether on a global stage or within the local community, have been integral in shaping my journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


Through these diverse experiences, I uncovered my true passions while also gaining insight into areas that didn’t resonate with me. While many of my peers remained focused on their chosen fields, I ventured into uncharted territories. These laid the foundation for future decisions, guided by the experiences I’ve gained.

Reflecting on my learnings:

  • No Regrets today: Early exploration minimized the “what if” regrets, as I gave different paths a fair and justified try.
  • Better Adaptability: Diverse exploration enhanced my adaptability and openness to change, evolving with the times.
  • Immense Networking: Each experience forged meaningful connections with people from various domains.
  • Sustained Engagement: A diverse range of activities prevented burnout, keeping me engaged and motivated with new and exciting endeavours.
  • Broader Perspective: These diverse experiences fostered a broader and more inclusive perspective, enabling me to better understand others’ challenges and offer creative solutions.

This blog serves as a record of how I navigated various tasks in the past. It’s my way of preserving the lessons and inspiration to draw upon when facing future challenges.
Additionally, it offers insights for anyone seeking a broader perspective on navigating life’s journey with curiosity.

PS: I have tried to preserve some of the digital impressions of a variety of the work I have done here.



Shrey Gupta

Exploring the world and extending my limits. Fascinated by technology, striving for innovation and living for great food.